Saturday, March 21, 2009


Lastly, when you make an investment you should always have an exit strategy.Options.Don’t exit if your Cash Machine is doing great. Sell the company. If this is what you want to do (and it is your goal at the beginning) make sure you retain as much cash as you possibly can after the sale. Also, your potential buyers are strategic partners, competitors, suppliers, so court those relationships early on. Go public. Initial public offerings (IPOs) have good and bad sides, however, based on exposure. Although more cash is created for your private shareholders.

The value of the stock itself will then fluctuate with the market’s perception of the company. Teach your children true entrepreneurship by teaching them how to build their own Cash Machines. A Cash Machine, to recap, is simple to start and sustain; based on skills that get you to an idea modeled after an established, successful business, with revenue models to hit specific projections, built on a plan, with a team, and well-marketed as well. Any kid can and should do this.But you should stress that they shouldn’t do this solely to make money – they should to try to help people as well.

Your Cash Machine plan in itself may need reworking as well if and when new opportunities are discovered. You will most probably need to expand your team; you might need to add strategic partners or hire more professionals for instance. And it goes without saying that your marketing and sales plans will most probably need reworking as well. But you should stress that they shouldn’t do this solely to make money – they should to try to help people as well.

Location and equipment need to be considered at the start and should be easily obtainable when you are Operational flow and patterns also need focusing on because they deal with sequencing, or doing the right thing at the right time. Plans to fix the team and organization must be set at the start, because it is very difficult to play catch-up as the company grows.

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