Saturday, March 21, 2009

39. Too Many Things On Your Mind

From the moment we wake up until the time we go to bed, most of us have an overwhelming number of things to do everyday, at home, at school, at work. We have to go at a hurried pace just to get everything done, and sometimes we feel that we have too much to handle and our lives are getting out of our control. We get home tired, stressed out and worried about the things we failed to do and all the other things that we have yet to do the next day.

If you’re a normal person, chances are you have too many things on your mind right now. This is the result of the world you live in-- people usually take on more than they have the resources to handle things. In the era of globalization, the nature of jobs changes such that work no longer has clear boundaries. From assembly-line work, most jobs now call for “knowledge work.

” Companies are continuously evolving and people have to change and evolve to keep up. While your parents held the same jobs for forty or fifty years, most people these days are more like free agents, and change jobs and careers several times for continual growth Aside from work, you are probably trying to do several other personal projects or tasks you want or need to achieve and accomplish.

We want to be good parents, good daughters or sons, good sisters, good friends, good neighbors. And we work hard at fulfilling all these roles. The commitments that you make with yourself and with other people constitute most of the things on your mind. And these commitments, once mismanaged or inappropriately managed, usually cause most of your stress.

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